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Monday, October 23, 2006

London Diwali

It's been raining since Sunday continuosly here in London. Its getting very difficult to get out of bed with no traces of sunlight outside. The walk to the office from the bus stop is laborious. Deepavali was celebrated by desis in Indian in a big way. On saturday evening it felt like I was standing in chennai. So many fireworks. I myself am not a fan of loud crackers so I was looking for a place where I cant hear the noise. I have been of the opinion that 'phoren' countries wont allow people to burst crackers during Deepavali but that opinion was broken on Saturday.

I watched Varalaaru in a theater over here. I missed the first 10 minutes. The theater was 1/4th full. There were few posters of Don kept outside but not a single one for Varalaaru. Well there was no poster for Vetayaadu Vilayadu either when it was released here. Heard Vallavan and Dharmapuri are also releasing here (no sign of them on Saturday atleast at the theater I went). It's amazing the way Tamil movies are released simultaneously worldwide. I checked out India glitz to see how Deepavali releases were doing in chennai and they had a section to show the crowd in the theaters and the banners in theaters. Yes movie watching in chennai will definitley be a different experience. The same movie varalaaru if watched amidst Ajth fans on a first day woud have made it more fun but I have no complaints as I will never be able to watch first day first show in Chennai.

Sunday was a dull day. It rainined continuosly without respite.

And (pls dont say we shldnt start a sentence with And) thats pretty much it. Monday is dragging itself towards Friday.


Balaji S Rajan said...


Even I am seeing Diwali for the first time in London. If you travel 40 miles from London, we can't see this much of celebration. I was surprised to see fireworks even after 11.00 p.m. which we do not see in Chennai itself.

Dany said...


i witnessed them at southall and hounslow. guess it shld be the same around east ham as well :)

Swamy Srinivasan aka Kittu Mama said...

My US diwali is a flop. Nothing impressive other than the sweets :)


Just finished watching this movie and what a profound movie. This is my first Akira Kurosawa movie and I was simply blown away by the movie....