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Thursday, November 30, 2006


Thoughtless, goalless and aimless people sorround you like nitrogen fills the atmosphere. Their mindless gibberish penetrates our heart like cold ice dagger. They always try to generalise a single happening they witnessed. Given below are few examples.

A guy who witnesses one mugging in Newyork will paint a picture that the entire Newyork state is filled with psychos and serial killers.

A guy whose cousin got selected into an MNC without even having 10th certificate will paint a rosy picture to all unfortunate souls who couldnt clear 10th.

A guy who tasted beer only once in his entire life will keep talking about that episode like a Vietnam veteran who witnessed the war closely.

These people are extremely dangerous souls who can paralyse a healthy man with just few harmless statements within no time. They are potently dangerous than White Phosphorus.

Recent Happening
Looks like India lost yet another match. There is nothing else we can complaint on. So better leave this topic.

Petrol prices cut let us wait and see how long...

Recently Read
Recently read from a book that the total weight of termites in this world is greater than the weight of all human beings in this world.

Broccoli is the name for kozhi in Brazil.


Swamy Srinivasan aka Kittu Mama said...

super peter maams.

machi naan first beer adichappavae 4 round yaethinaen therimaa.

Anonymous said...

Drinkers should be caned..sorry if I am too harsh...but they should be...

Dany said...


you are harsh.

Dany said...


4 test tubes ;)?

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