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Thursday, January 18, 2007


This word is something which is used a lot by us humans. Enough is something which is used least. We always have the habit of biting more than we could chew. This habit is something which becomes a part of us from childhood. But, I do know some people who use 'enough' a lot than 'more'.
I have observed as a kid my deskmate as soon as he gets his corrected paper in hand will go through the total hoping the teacher would have missed some marks due to incorrect totaling. If he finds the mistake he will immediately run and ask for more marks. If he doesnt find a mistake he will look for answers which the teacher has missed to put marks, if that door is also close he will look for answers for which he thinks he deserves more.

I have seen people who include atleast 1 cm of of someones or governments land to their side with the excuse of relaying the fence.

We see people who ask for one more extra sappota or pala sulai or orange palam or apple bargaining with the vendor in trains.

Auto drivers ask for more. Whatever fare you agree for they wont be satisfied unless they get 1 Re more.

In professional life I see lot of people who kep asking for promotion. They say they deserve it. But do they really understand the meaning of promotion? People only think of Promotions as some choclate or some gift they dont think of the responsibilities with come with that. When someone see's a person who manages 50 team members he gets jealous that he has only ten members. He pesters his manager for a bigger project. Do we really have the capability becomes the last question in mind. All he wants is more. He cant settle for something lesser.

When buying roasted peanuts from a vendor our mind wont calm unless we put few of the nuts (patani, uppu kadalai, aval, pori) spread there into our mouth casually.

Students always aim for IIM or IIT. Once inside IIM or IIT they are always gloomy saying he didnt get through GMAT and his friend got through. People in govt college are sad because they didnt get IIT. People in Arts college are sad looking at people doing Enginerring. Engineering students look at Medical students. Its a vicious cycle.

People want poori when offered idly, and parotta when offered with poori.

Among all this chaos there are people who are calm with whatever they get. They are people with zero or absolutley no aim or want. Either they are ascetic or incapable or fools.


K Praveen said...

Nice post!!
Among all this chaos there are people who are calm with whatever they get. They are people with zero of absolutley no aim or want. Either they are ascetic or incapable or fools.

Couldn't agree MORE :)

Ganesh said...

In brussles for 4 more years?

Dany said...

Nowadays people dont even ask in absolute numbers like

i want to be in brussels for 4 years.

they ask everything on top of something

i want to be in brussels for 4 more yrs which indicates he has been in brussels already for sometime.

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