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Saturday, April 05, 2008


Again after few months Cauvery issue is back in the form of Hogenekal. We have read in some forward posts that next war will be in the name of water and it is happening. On the sidelines Rajini was pulled into this controversy. Last time when cauvery issue erupted Rajini's voice was the lone sane voice. Now this time the tamil filmdom followed Rajini's last time methodology of fasting. The whole thing then tunred to check if Rajini was for Tamil's side or Kanadigas side. They also said that Rajini has to support Tamilnadu as he is living here. If we apply the same logic everywhere all Indians in US should support US, all tamilians in Karnataka should support Karnataka. Now if that happens people will say they are not patriotic but they expected Rajini to do the same.

So did Rajini escape unscathed this time? Looks like the answer is yes. I listened to his speech and there was not a single line of acting. Whatever a common man feels he has echoed the same sentiments. He neither talked for Tamilnadu nor Karnataka. All he did was to put a sensible request. He asked our politicions to use their brain to solve this issue and also not make is an issue for the sake of elections. He asked everyone to be right.

Whatever we feel when we read news items in The Hindu Rajini has echoed the same sentiments through his speech.

But one thing is sure no one is going to change just because Rajini told. Whether it's Rajini or another X no one is ready to change. Rajini knows that and we know that. So what was the purpose of this fasting? It was just used as a tool by some people to gain some mileage out of this issue and tarnish Rajinis image. They wanted to strike two mangoes with one stone. But they didnt succeed in their attempt. Neither did they get any mileage nor they were able to tarnish Rajini's image.

Here is the link to Rajini's speech. Never have I seen him so angry. Good speech.

1 comment:

Swamy Srinivasan aka Kittu Mama said...

exactly what i felt mams

rajini was gun to the point and his anger was never seen before. andha kena koo sathyaraj could be the reason for his anger too..did u hear the sathyaraj speech...horrible it was...may be his speech had courage but i did not find it interesting as he has never have done any help to the tamil community what so ever. hmmmm

Rajini and Kamal where at their best...hats off to these 2 legends

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