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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Some more

Few days back I read a news about couple of students from SRM college who were waiting outside for bus were knocked down by a vechile. Seems it is an accident prone zone. The traffic commisioner when enquired about this his reply was since that is an highway they cant put speed breakers and they are searcing for solutions.

My first issue is this is one lame excuse. If they decide to put speed breaker they can put it even is a runway. What will he call all those back breaking speed breakers in ECR? Will he call ECR as a small lane? 

May be he was implying they always rely on natural speed breakers which chennai is very famous for.

Today another news that in GN Chetty road a car knocked down an auto (the auto is now unrecognisable) and killed two persons in the auto. This has happened in GN Chetty road which is crowded road where you cant even go beyond 30 km/hr.

Has the governtment taken any effort for prevention of accidents? So many valuable lives are lost because of their inaction.

The problem is there used to be a time when things happen to others we wont care and when things happen to us we will react but now that also has changed. If it happens to us also we wont react.


Niths said...

I wonder how could some one drive fast in GN Chetty road to the level of making accidents leading to death :(

S.Srikanthan said...


Plus driver has escaped it seems.

LOL. its unbeleviable.

or may be the case was formed in this way :-)

On a serious note,
There are small plastic posts like thing which separates the roads so that ppl dont encroach the opposite road. But how come that will prevent entering vehicles on the other side. they have huge gaps in between and so he was tempted and got into the other side of the road and hit the auto

Unknown said...

Hai Anon

That GN chetty road end which is connecting cenotaph road, there it was signal systems now they removed it, once opened the new bridge, bcoz of this there are so many accidents happening everyday. Those who are coming that side occasionally don’t know, Now that place is more vulnerable zone to accident

As U said, things will change but not overnight, we agreed only for certain things not for all. We’ll have to give priority

how long we should wait until the death?

Delaying every single minute we're losing one life. Life is more valuable than other things.

While we driving how many thing should concentrate

1) Digs and pits along the road
2) Where there were no medians
3) Where there were no signals
4) Where there were no proper lines Such as zebra Crossing
5) People’s lack of knowledge
6) While we concentrate on the road in the night dust will go into our eyes. We cant wear wiser in the night bcoz opposite vehicle may come in high beam.
We can say lot…

All these things happening bcoz of liberty nor bribe nor selfish ness …

How many movies & advertisement to proclaim the good thing but nothing is changed

Though we wait till more 10 years things will not changed.

There is an only one way, we’ve enough plans and rules but they’re not imply it strictly into real life just for the systems

Traffic commissioner saying we’ve CCTV control system. Are they have taken any action from seeing it, nothing as of now.

I knew the pain of accident.

Beautiful Boy