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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A vehicle named ..

There came chennai traffic commisioner before a gathering of people from all over the world. There they were at the famous anna salai at the widest section of anna salai. He signalled and buses of various sizes came and occupied the road in various positions. He asked the crowd "Is the road full?". People said "yes". Now he brought in few road rollers and asked them to occupy the gap between the buses. The people were amazed at how the road rollers managed to occupy the spaces.

He asked the crowd "Is the road full?". People said "yes". He asked Sumos, Scorpios and Innovas to occupy the gap. They did so skillfuly. People were going crazy and some of them fainted. Again he asked the crowd "Is the road full?". People said "yes". He asked i10s, Altos and Honda Citys to occupy the space. Before people could blink the gaps were taken by the vehicles. Again he asked the crowd "Is the road full?". People said "yes".

He called Pulsars, CBZs and Unicorns to occupy remaining space they did it by doing somersault. Again he asked the crowd "Is the road full?". People said "yes". He called all the cycle wallahs to fill the gaps they did it skilfuly.

Again he asked the crowd "Is the road full?". People said "yes". He too replied "yes you are right it is full. hope you learnt about our skill". He demonstrated it by showing how not even a pedestrain could go between the vechiles anymore. People started praising Indians driving skills. When all were about to leave there came an vehicle painted in yellow did some magic and there it was in front of all the vechiles. No one including the commissioner knew how it came to the front but come it did.

The name of the vechile is Auto.


Unknown said...

Hands of U...
It's really true at the same time it made people to think about our country.

We don't know when we'll get redeemed from that pain.

That God only knows that time.

S.Srikanthan said...

I laughed heartily.
Public like us - will be afraid to try to change things

Politicians - Till they mince money, they wont worry about anything.

Traffic constable - do -

Others - "We are not affected. so we better stay away"

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