After watching Flags of our Fathers I was not very keen on watching Letter from Iwo Jima (LIJ). The main reason I didnt like Flags of our Fathers (FooF) was I didnt understand the movie. Though I know the theme of the movie I didnt understand it scene by scene. I also felt the movie was just going on and on. The movie was going back and forth in narration. So I assumed LIJ would be the same and postponed watching the movie.
Finally today I gave the movie a shot and was pleasantly surprised. The movie is way better than FooF. It was easy to follow the narration though the movie was in Japanese. The movie is a masterpiece. The movie had the same impact as We were soldiers.
It will be very difficult to see such a movie and support War. You can empathise with each and every character. Whether it is American, Japanese or Indian everywhere the feelings are same, human being is the same. There is no point in hurting another human in the name of war.
Clint Eastwood excels as a Director as well as the music director. The music has so much life.
This is one movie which you shouldn't miss.
1 comment:
hi. nice post
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