Its always been the same case the so called top guns need Rajini when they want and they throw him away when they dont need him. Jaguar Thangam has suddenly became a most talked about guy recently by talking like an idiot in a hopeless magazine. I will not blame Thangam but would rather blame this useless magazine Ananda Vikatan. This magazine which never has any useful information has published in the name of an interview a useless article which has led to all this issue.
This type of magazines and people like Thangam are like mosquitos thogh we dont want to give them any importance they will keep flying over our ears with an irritating buzzing sound. They wont stop unless someone crushes them. But they will escape few blows before they meet their fatal blow. Looking forward to that day that these type of people and magazines like Ananda Vikatan are wiped out for ever.
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