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Friday, January 20, 2012

Samsung UA46D6600WR

Gone are the days when we used to switch on the TV, sit back and relax. The television sets have become more complex and complex. Wanting to jump into the LED bandwagon I made the decision to buy Samsung UA46D6600WR.

The TV is promoted as SMART TV and it has so many features which I have not been able to fully understand and use. Recently my friend used the term DLNA when I explored more about that I found out the TV I had bought had the feature Samsung Allshare.

DLNA is one amazing concept where you can connect two wireless enabled devices without any intermediate router. But it is not easy to make the devices connect due to various security settings in the devices. To do this you need to search on adhoc wireless connections.

This TV was able to read a 1 TB disk which was partitioned as two 500 GB partitions but when I plugged in a 1 TB with no partitions it didnt recognize.

The TV has an optical out which was another new to me but it delivers only Dolby Digital and ignores any DTS audio.

Also the HDMI input also doesnt deliver Dolby Digital through optical out rather we have to connect the devices optical out to the TV receiver for Dolby.

The TV has a browser but it will test your patience to browse as it is very cumbersome to use the on screen keayboard with your remote. But I m sure in future we can see some excellent interfaces in this front.

The TV has numerous HDMI inputs and USB inputs.

The picture and sound quality is pretty amazing. But if we watch it from the side the picture becomes dull. The reflective panel is a put off but the design will enhance the style of your living room.

I m still learning new things about the TV.

The older generation looks at this TV as some untouchable device as it proves to be a complex system for them, which it is.

Get ready to attend coaching classes to operate TV.


S.Srikanthan said...

I bought a D5500 for christmas in Chennai and that model itself is very very confusing....

BTW, is this a 3D TV?

Dany said...

cool.. yes this is a 3D TV

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